Saturday, July 25, 2009

I think we have a match...

First of all, I know that I have not posted for months, and now twice in one day. What can I say? Just keeping you on your toes.

Back to the matter at hand. Nathan has made friends with the odd spider outside of our front door. Today I watched him catch something, but thought nothing of it. Moments later he calls me out front, where I then discover that he caught a grasshopper, and fed it to the spider. He throws "food" into the spider's web, and then watches the spider quickly come and feast. Weird. Yes, I know. I decided to look into what kind of spider my husband had chosen for a pet, and I think I found a match.

First up, our spider:
Next, let me introduce you to the Cat Face Spider.
Hopefully this odd little facination will go away quickly. But, if not, I did find out that beyond looking a little scary (or really scary...this spider is big!), it is not harmful to humans. Yay!

WARNING: Shows a little skin...

I think not.