We had a nice Fourth of July. It was fun to see the girls get really excited about the fireworks! The best thing that came from the night were the pictures that my neighbor snapped of the girls. So cute! They really do love each other. And Brinlee in the one family photo is priceless.
With the Fourth of July in mind, I would just like to add that I know I am blessed to live in America. For the safety that I feel in so many ways. I feel safe from actual harm. I feel secure that my family will never have to be truly hungry. I know that I have the freedom to choose a religion and to worship how, where, or what I may. So many people in this world do not share this with us, and we should be forever grateful. I am grateful for the men and women who are serving this country. Before the holiday I talked with my mom about people in our family who have, or are now, serving in the armed forces. I had no idea that there were so many. I have a deep respect for them, and all that they have, are, and will sacrifice. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, and that you had the opportunity to reflect on what it means to be an American.
Not to pick favorites but Brinlee is priceless in all the pictures. No wonder whenever I call my Mom and Dad all they talk about is Brinlee.
What a darling little family you have. Or, not-so-little...none the less your girls are beautiful, and little Sam is getting BIG!
Joann love the fourth of july pictures your fam is so cute love your blog
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