Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sam loves " uh-side "

Sam is getting so big, so fast, and he is all boy. My girls liked to go outside when I suggested it, but it was just more fun to stay in and play dress up. Sam wakes up, comes downstairs for his breakfast, eats, and then goes over to the sliding door and starts saying (or yelling) " uh-side! ". If I'm not fast enough, he starts to hit the door with his hands or nearest hard object because he knows that will get mom to him fast. He can hardly contain himself as I put on his shoes and socks, and in case I had forgotten why I am putting them on he keeps repeating " uh-side "over and over. It is adorable. I took a few pictures of him, but made a collage because it seemed more practical than 10 pictures for 1 post. We cannot wait until warm sunny weather everyday.

*If you click on the picture, it will get big for you. But please understand that Sam has no time to let mom wipe breakfast (or boogers) off of his face. He has things to get stuck in the dump truck (bottom right)!


Olsen's said...

He is so big and cute!

Our Family said...

I'm so glad you have that nice patio for Sam to play on. He is too cute!

KB said...

It's amazing how evident boy-girl differences are a young age.