So, I am a mom of two beautiful daughters, and am 31 weeks pregnant with baby #3. We decided not to find out what this baby was (girl or boy or course!) so that we could have a new experience this time in the delivery room. And, I'll be honest, I was nervous that if I found out it was another girl that I would be upset deep down, and not as excited for this baby to arrive.
Awful, I know! I know that the important thing is a healthy baby, and that in time that would be all that mattered, but I didn't want the crazy hormones of pregnancy to allow me to feel sad, and then guilty, and then more sad, etc.
But today I am over it! If I have another girl I just know what I have to look forward to! Sure, emotions, emotions, emotions. But along with that I will have one more girl to "play hair" with, dolls with, dance around like a ballerina with, and in time actually have a ballerina to watch! I have that today and I love it. And if it's not broke, don't fix it! Here are new pictures of my first ballerina. She absolutely melts my heart!
She looks so grown up.
Hey, thanks for coming to see my house!! And, after this weekend, having my 2 sisters down to visit, I know that sisters are the best thing ever and that if you have another girl that just like me and my 2 sisters love each other so will Bailey, Brinlee and Baby McArthur!
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